7 Photos that make President Mahama look like a Movie Star

Don’t you just love how President Mahama works in all aspects? His job has made him dive into all kinds of professions of citizens and has resulted in amazing photos that pass for a movie star on set.
We bring you: Photos that make President Mahama look like a Movie star.

1. The Retired Army National

This picture makes us loool. I mean, look at those pants

2. Mahama Bolt

The president gives the famous Bolt pose here and we just cant seem to get enough of it.

3. All hail King Mahama

Just imagine if Lil Win was his special adviser in this movie, Kumawood to the world…lol

4. Mahama Bond


5. Mahama and the apprentice

We have a feeling this will be a box office hit….@Silverbird Cinemas

6. Mahama Christmas

In this movie, there’s no Father Christmas… Plot twist; its Mahama

7. 007: The Revenge

In this movie, Nana Akufo Ado forced him out of power. So, he does everything he can to recover the presidency back.

Have you seen any other amazing pictures of President Mahama on social media?, caption them ans tag us. Let us know your reactions below

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