Hello there, we’ve scavenged twitter and gotten funny reactions to the Lord Paper’s music video. See them below. And if you don't know about the Lord Paper’s supposed Porn music video, I beg Google it wai, we don’t do porn here, lol.
- This guy now has a certain perception about all girls named Awurama
#lordpaper so now evri Awurama b bad girl
2. This dude wants to be featured anaa
3. This inspirational tweet
4. And this Pappy Kojo comparison
Papi kojo yiwo dross can't try this guy lord piipiii#lordpaper twitter.com/yo__sel/status …
5. See this Wisa introduction
6. The director tweet
Klenam Awudu Peterson Owen Nana Giddy so the number of times Director say 'CUT' dude gottta do it real again#LordPaper#Awurama
7. The fan base tweet
I know people will start creating new accounts and call it friends of lordPaper or #lordPaper fans @PresmaticPB adey lie?
8. This hard guy…lolz
When you root behind your desk after watching Lord Paper's video and your boss is calling.... #LordPaper
9. The Socrates tweet
10. A honest opinion
11. I just cant think far with this…
12. This person dey make sense waaa
#Awurama is a song but when watching the video b like I dey hear only instrumentals Ooo cos where ur mind go go dierr big up#LordPaper
Just so you know, lord paper is set to release another tune visually related to the former called: porno.. We’ll wait for it.
Have any funny reactions? Share them in the comments.