Support: The Human Project

Hello, I’m HUMAN, the artist! I teach yoga, meditation, and I write Pop Music!

Debuting my musical work as HUMAN reflects the scope of what I aim to achieve. Who isn’t ready for a universally accessible pop artist with a purpose? Think Michael Jackson :) The power of music to change people's lives is undeniable, not to mention the influence of yoga, meditation and other healing arts which permeate my work. 

My highest purpose is to assist in increasing the quality of life experience for my fellow human beings through the art of song, dance, breath and simply being human. I hope you will join me on this endeavor!

I’ve created a crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo to make this work more collective. More human. The campaign is titled The HUMAN Project. This project is about human being-ness. It’s about how I personally celebrate humanity and it’s about sharing that celebration with you.

The Human Project includes 7 pop songs, comprising my debut album, and 3 music videos to accompany them. Your contribution will help complete the album and music video recordings to a professional standard as well as help to distribute the project for mass reach! 
I'll also be producing online yoga and meditation courses as a bonus for supporters! The courses will include hours of lecture and guided practice material.

For a while now, the yoga classroom has been my stage. Teaching allows me to have a channel, a way to communicate transformative life views, practices and insights that tremendously better my life and the the lives of those around me. After a yoga class, the gratitude, the awareness and the love in the room is palpable. In the space of that class, a better world is made every time. 
The HUMAN Project is simply an opportunity for a bigger platform, a bigger stage to continue on with delivering this healing and helpful energy. I’m honored that you would consider being a part of that. By your contribution, you get to help create the stage for this to happen.
The HUMAN Project is a manifestation of some of my highest dreams and potentials and it intends to inspire others to the same end. This endeavor goes far beyond ‘me’ and into the universality of music, healing and being human. 
Please click the link to visit the campaign page on Indiegogo! Once there, hit the pink ‘back it’ button and share with your friends to support and become a part of something great. I look forward to creating a better future together and having loads of fun on the way! 

Thank You.

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